“The Oregon Cattlemen’s Association is the only organization that speaks specifically for the beef industry’s issues and concerns and it’s important to those who are involved in the industry that support it. I believe the best way to contribute is to participate.”
– Andy VanderPlaat, OCA Treasurer
For Committee Chair contact information call the OCA office at 503-361-8941
Animal Health/Brand & Theft Chair
Rodger Huffman – Union
Vice Chair
Jake Seavert – La Grande
This committee seeks to encourage animal husbandry practices within Oregon that will prevent, control, and eliminate animal diseases and pests. The committee supports and encourages research in cattle health diseases as well as the use of drugs and health aids to control these diseases. The committee seeks to ensure that decisions concerning the use of disease control substances are made on the basis of economic and scientific facts.
The committee works toward laws and regulations concerning disease control between states to improve and expedite the interstate movement of cattle. The committee also works in the areas of cattle identification through branding and prevention of theft through an effective reward program. The committee recommends needed modification in state brand laws and identification systems. The committee seeks to encourage the development of animal identification systems that works and that ranchers can afford.
Marketing Chair
Clint Sexson – Stanfield
Vice Chair
Ryan Raymond – Helix
The marketing committee works to ensure Oregon’s cattle are bought at a price that is both profitable to the producer/feeder and fair to the consumer. To that end, the committee gains knowledge of national and international economic factors that directly affect the free enterprise system while it explores, develops, and encourages marketing techniques for the beef cattle industry.
The committee offers guidance and support to the industry-wide promotional efforts. The committee also works to reduce governmental regulations or to update outmoded marketing laws that could hamper the modern cattle industry.
This committee seeks to foster and encourage the continued genetic upgrading of Oregon’s cattle. The committee provides ranchers with information concerning breeding techniques and scientific advancements in animal husbandry. The committee also serves as a liaison between centers of research in beef cattle improvement and the membership of OCA.
Integrated Resource Management is a concept and a process for those who have a commitment and strong desire to improve their operations. It entails the collection and use of data to implement action concerning the planning of specific goals, with an assessment of each operation’s current performance. IRM does not focus only on the production end of ranching but employs a full dimension perspective with regard to financing, the total resource base (as forage, water, soil, etc.), and many other factors. It is a continuous process of measuring current performance, establishing goals, implementing a plan of action and direction, monitoring the results, and re-planning.
Associate Council Chair
Greg Roush – La Pine
Vice Chair
Darcy Sexson – Stanfield
The associate council is made up of dues-paying associate council members of the OCA who are suppliers or are otherwise friends of the industry. The council works with the association for the betterment of the OCA and the industry by taking part in industry relations between the Associates and the association, such as tradeshow at the Annual Convention and various educational events throughout the year.
Young Cattlemen Chair
Mark Wunsch – Madras
Devin Griffith – Williams, CA
To learn more, contact the OCA office at 503-361-8941
Public Lands Chair
Mary Schadler – Adel
Vice Chair
Kelly Birkmaier – Enterprise
This committee seeks to carry out the intent of policy with regards to public lands centered issues. This committee is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring a balance between environmental and economic concerns in public land decisions. This committee functions with the National Public Lands Council.
This committee, with the cooperation and assistance of OCA staff, is in charge of generating its own funds through a direct assessment of public lands permittees, and any other revenue-generating activities the committee sees fit. The committee funds are to be accounted for separately and dispersed at the discretion of individuals currently sitting as delegates to the National Public Lands Council. All interest generated by funds in this account is to be placed in the OCA general account.
Learn more about National Public Lands Council HERE
Legislative Chair
Cheryl Martin – North Powder
Vice Chair
Jenny Coelho – Bonanza
This committee is entrusted with the responsibility of representing the cattle industry on the legislative front. The committee is vigilant concerning proposed legislation that may influence the cattle industry and utilizes all possible resources to ensure the views of the cattle industry are presented in those situations.
The committee also assesses the needs of Oregon’s cattle industry and how those needs may be met through the legislative process, and accordingly, advocates appropriate legislation. The committee also maintains contact with and provides input to all appropriate government bodies and officials.
Private Lands, Environment & Taxation Chair
Tara Millan – Eagle Point
Vice Chair
Lee Bradshaw – Eagle Point
This committee is responsible for ensuring that the maximum amount of property rights continues to vest with the landowner. This committee has its special area of interests, regulations, and actions by the government that impinge on the use of private lands, such as zoning and other restrictions. The committee expands all efforts wherever possible to prevent excessive governmental control over private land.
Water Resources Chair
Sara Liljefelt – Portland
This committee works to preserve private water rights and the cattlemen’s needs for this essential resource. To this end, the committee monitors appropriate legislative committees and governmental agencies. The committee shall ensure representation from OCA in these matters.
Wildlife Chair
Dennis Sheehy – Wallowa
Vice Chair
Shane Gomes – Antelope
This committee seeks to advance the interests of cattlemen in the recreation, wildlife, and related fields while giving OCA members a direct means through which to form policy on these topics.
This committee also seeks to advance the causes of free enterprise and private property against recreational forces that would usurp them. This committee espouses the concept that wildlife and its habitat are preserved and protected through consumptive use of wildlife in the context of conservation plans.
Wolf Co-Chairs
Veril Nelson (Western Region) – Oakland
John Williams (Eastern Region) – Enterprise
This committee will work to defend rancher’s rights to protect their livestock from wolf predation and require full compensation to ranchers when wolf predation on livestock does occur.